April 21st, 2013 12:08pm
I don't know what I'm doing.
Posting my feeling and thoughts in wide world internet.
But they can't get mad if they don't find it... can they?
I thought of starting this cause today is one of the days that I realize how bad my emotional mind is becoming... I don't want to wait no longer.
I have patiently waited, and it not easy to be patient at such crucial chapter of my life.
When they said that moving could be stressful, I never thought it would be this much. I have twice now, both being very hurtful. I'm not from here, I use to live in a warm country with bad people, but I lived in a good neighborhood. I loved my school so much that many times I thought of living there, cause it was a lot better than my home. Cause every time I would come home the monsters that haunted me would wait for my emotions to be crushed. The rage of Parents. I will admit I didn't like being spanked by the ones who raised me. To look at my baby photos and think if they spanked me then because I cried much, waking them from their sleep to feed me or to comfort me.
I have been suspended for (being bullied-->) bullying, I gave up my dreams because of how I looked, I have shaved half of my head because people thought my hair cut was "mushroom-like", and I have spanked myself for being pressured and hurt so much that I thought it was my fault, and that I needed to be punished.
Today is the day you learn who I am...